
Interview with Mariëlle Verweij, Human Resource Manager

The Cartec team is like a large family. There is always something to tell. In the "people" section, we ask a colleague about his or her work, but also about dreams, trends and what we just always wanted to know about them. This is ...

Who are you and what do you do at Cartec?

My name is Mariëlle Verweij and I have been responsible for HRM matters at Cartec since the end of October 2019. HRM encompasses everything that has to do with personnel: think of training courses, contracts, house regulations, recruitment and selection, but also matters such as a schedule developed for tropical weather and the safety of personnel.

What really gives you joy at work?

The contact with the employees and getting them into the right workplace so that they can develop in the area they are good at. In recent months, for example, a lot of colleagues have moved or grown to another position. When I then see them walking through the company with a smile on their face again, it gives me energy.
What I also like is that I get a lot of personal responsibility to professionalize things and to think along with them. A good example is the recently introduced house regulations. Because we are getting bigger and bigger, it is important that there are some rules. But they also state, for example, what protection the staff must wear: safety goggles, gloves, etc.

What does a typical workday look like?

In the morning I first update my mail. After that, I have regular conversations with colleagues, for example about a training question, salary, functioning on the work floor. I often do this together with their manager. I work out these conversations and make a report of it. I also follow up the action points that have emerged from previous conversations.
Together with four colleagues, I am also a member of the Personnel Association that deals with excursions and activities. We organise barbecues, getaways such as paintball games, Christmas celebrations and New Year’s receptions, among other things. At Cartec we celebrate almost everything together and there’s a lot of looking after each other. When it’s someone’s birthday, he or she treats and once a month we have ‘croquette day’ on Thursday. And every Monday fresh fruit, for the balance.

How did you get into this business?

When I was still at high school, I did the administration during the holidays at a large construction company. After high school, I followed the part-time Personnel & Labour course and continued to work part-time at the same company. After eleven years I quit and worked somewhere else for a few more years. And now I’ve been working in the office at Cartec for nine months.

What makes working at Cartec fun?

It’s personal and it gives me a family feeling. There’s interest in each other and everyone knows what’s going on together. I really enjoy it and it feels like I’ve been working here for years.

How do you keep up to date with what’s going on in your workfield?

We have a subscription to a website with all current HRM topics and I keep an eye on them on a daily basis. There I read, for example, how we can deal with staff members who go to a Corona area on holiday.

I also keep up to date on developments in my field through other channels. And a few years ago I did an additional professional training for HR advisor.

How often do you wash your car?

Regularly, because I have a new car, an Audi Q2, since a few months. If it’s dirty, I wash it, sometimes every two weeks. Normally I do this at a car wash location.

What is your favourite Cartec product and why?

Carfum Blue Ocean is my favourite! The whole car smells fresh again.

What are you proud of?

Of what I have achieved in the past months together with my colleagues. Among other things, the professionalisation of the HRM department and the introduction of the house regulations.

Do you have a dream for Cartec?

I hope that the company can continue to grow and that we can hire even more great colleagues. So that we can develop them also into a position in which they are happy.

Lotte Willemsen

In-house photographer and online marketer at Cartec. Likes clean cars, well written texts and sharp pictures.


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