The Ultimate
Carwash Experience

Royal Care

Royal Care

Car wash products that assure you of the highest attainable result in your car wash. Royal Care is characterized by a powerful cleaning, extremely good drying results, an unprecedented deep shine and long protection. The line is environmentally friendly, highly concentrated and has a pleasant odor.

The Ultimate Carwash Experience

Royal Wheel

Royal Wheel is a powerful, acid free wheel cleaner. Royal Wheel quickly and effectively removes pollution like brake dust and traffic dirt from the wheels.

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Royal Forte

Royal Forte is a powerful alkaline pre-cleaner. Royal Forte easily removes pollution like grease, traffic dirt and insects. The product has a quick soaking time and very strong dirt removing properties.

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Royal Care brochure

Royal Care is a Cartec product range. Download the Royal Care brochure for all information about these premium car wash products.

Download Royal Care brochure