Cleaning & Maintenance

Best products for pre-washing the car


When you are on the road with your car, it is exposed to various types of pollution. Sand, salt, tar, brake dust, smog, tree resin and insects are some of the dozens of contaminants that can remain on the paintwork of your car. With the right product for pre-washing the car, these contaminants are effortlessly soaked off and removed.  

Using a pre-wash is important. It ensures that dirt in hard to reach places is removed and also that anything that can scratch is rinsed off the car. This is very important for the follow-up treatment such as polishing. If the car is heavily polluted, it is definitely recommended to wash it with a pre-wash. You facilitate the washing and polishing process which follows.

Cartec has various pre-wash in its range, but which one suits you best? Below we give a short explanation of the different pre-washes.

All Purpose Cleaner

All Purpose Cleaner is a multifunctional all-purpose cleaner for many applications. Within the Colorline, All Purpose Cleaner is mainly used as a safe and user-friendly cleaner for the exterior of the car. Besides cleaning the exterior, the All Purpose Cleaner can also be used in the interior. All Purpose Cleaner can be used in particular for the easy and quick removal of flies, tree resin, oil, grease and strong pollution and nicotine residue in the interior. To complete the cleaning, it is recommended to use Splash Shampoo after the All Purpose Cleaner.
All Purpose Cleaner, in the right usage dilution, is a safe cleaner for the car. It does not damage chrome and aluminum parts.

Twister Comfort

Twister Comfort is a highly concentrated pre-wash. The product quickly and thoroughly removes traffic dirt from cars, trucks, chassis and tarps. Twister Comfort is ideal for passenger cars because of its safe effect on aluminum and chrome. It can also be used for larger vehicles. Twister Comfort produces a full foam when applied. For a shiny end result, post-treatment with Splash Shampoo or Cherry Wash for example, is recommended.

Always use the Twister Comfort according to the prescribed dilution, depending on the dirt. In combination with a foam lance, an extremely stable foam is created.

Royal Forte

Royal Forte is a powerful pre-wash developed for use in the car wash. It is also excellent for manual use. Royal Forte effortlessly removes contamination such as grease, stubborn traffic dirt and insects. The product has a fast soaking time and a high dirt dissolving capacity. In addition, Royal Forte provides a good foam image during the pre-wash.

Royal Forte absorbs dirt quickly and has a short soaking time. The product cleans so powerfully that hosing down with a high-pressure cleaner is all it takes to remove the dirt. Especially in companies where many cars need to be washed quickly, this is a must-have. Royal Forte is also an excellent pre-wash for trucks and buses. Vehicles need to be cleaned quickly and preferably non-contact. Royal Forte is also a good solution for hard-to-reach areas to remove stubborn dirt.

Be careful when using Royal Forte in case the paintwork is in poor condition or oxidized. It is also not advisable to use it for too long on aluminum and chrome parts, as Royal Forte is not suitable for this.

Which pre-wash is the best fit for your operations?

In the chart below you will find an overview of all the properties of the pre-wash products. So you can choose the best pre-wash for every situation.

Tip: Always apply a pre-wash to the paintwork from the bottom up. Read more about this in “How do you use Royal Forte?“.

Doortje Stam

Works at the online marketing department at Cartec. Keeps an eye on the developments within the social media platforms. She loves sportive cars, social media and creative content.


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