Cleaning & Maintenance

Tar & Glue Remover

Quickly and easily removes tar and bitumen residues.

Cartec Tar & Glue remover effectively and quickly removes splashed tar and asphalt residue. Also works very well to remove window sealant and sticker residue.

1-3 min.
  1. Spray Cartec Tar & Glue Remover on the soiled parts with a pressure pump or sprayer. Allow the product to work in for approx. 1-3 minutes, depending on the pollution and outside temperature. Prevent the product from drying out.
  2. Use a soft cloth to remove the dissolved dirt or rinse off with a high-pressure washer.

Warning: Always check the product in an inconspicuous place before use to avoid possible damage. Keep the product away from lenses and (hard) plastics, as these may eventually crack or streak. do not let the product dry. Always use the product in a well-ventilated area.

  • Works quickly and thoroughly
  • Can be used during prewash
  • Ideal product for both dry and wet processing

Technical Datasheet

Request the MSDS at

  • Cartec Tar and Glue remover also works very well to remove window sealant and sticker residue.
  • Process Cartec Tar & Glue Remover on a dry surface for the fastest results.

Product Video
